Ethical Foundations of Spirituality

Of a planet that was once 100% indigenous, there now exists 6.2% indigenous humans who have kept the collective wisdom and worldview of our ancients. 

Where we are headed depends on our collective effort — at the level of our individual and communal lives.

I’m here to help you develop your courage and map the spiritual landscape, so you can chart your own spiritual journey.

You may feel the call to reclaim, restore, and reconnect with a more empowering worldview through a spiritual journey. But you might have noticed that modernity has lost touch with this rite of passage, and navigating the spiritual landscape alone can feel overwhelming, tricky, and inflationary — when it doesn’t have to be.

The online offerings here generously share wisdom,  tools, learnings, and resources to pack into your proverbial backpack, preparing you to navigate the spiritual landscape before or during one of your most courageous journeys. Think of this place as an oasis in the desert of your spiritual sojourn.


Upgrade Your Worldview

Your foundational course on spirituality

Historically, spirituality has been shunned and forced underground, creating a spirituality that is monolithic and devoid of ancestral wisdom. To satiate their spiritual hunger, people are embarking on initiation journeys without the fundamentals of spirituality. This is an ethical, global-minded, self-paced course. Think of it as a backpack full of the tools you need for your lifelong spiritual journey.

Map Your Worldview

Your guide to discovering your unique worldview blueprint

Worldviews are like the software that run our subconscious mind. Neurodecolonization can begin when we review and reflect on that software. Otherwise unreviewed software remains as a hidden guide within us. This self-study is included as a bonus in the Upgrade Your Worldview course. It is a great starting point for your journey.

Your Courage Archetype

Every human being is born with the guiding force of true courage. But it often has to compete with an opposing force that lives within us too. Safety. Think of this course as a tune-up that will reconnect your innate courage to extend the vibrancy of your life.

Your introductory course on courage

Everyone has a worldview (Cosmovisión). Our worldviews shatter when we enter a period of transition. Think of this course as an overview of the world’s worldviews (including four main Western worldviews), with a focus on dissecting what may be subconsciously guiding your life right now.

Your introductory course on worldviews

Your Worldview Compass

Develop Your Courage

Your deep dive into developing your courage self-study

Your world is waiting for you to step into your courage so that you can be brave enough to offer your gifts you’ve come here to deliver. When faced with fear humans can be pulled towards safety or courage. Think of this self-study as a friendly guide, helping you to develop your courage, by improving your relationship with fear.


“While climate change has material implications, the environmental devastation also has urgent psychological, spiritual, and social implications…1) an increase in climate-related anxiety and PTSD, 2) a rise in the likelihood of armed conflict, and 3) growing suicide rates among farmers. To mitigate these potential outcomes, communities will need to deploy social and spiritual resources to attend to the emotional fallout from ecological devastation, especially for communities of color which climate change disproportionately impacts.”

Cheers, I’m Danver.

I teach spiritual literacy. I’m also an adventurer, writer, fellow sojourner, and initiate in Eastern mysticism here to help you steer yourself home.

Here, you’ll find online learning crafted to help you courageously navigate your own divine inner-adventure. And you won’t have to start from scratch, or go it alone (if you don’t want to).

Everyone is born with the guiding force of true courage. It’s not bravado or forced bravery. It’s the union of heart and mind - the compass that guides our direction across our planet's vast, spiritual landscape of sacred pathways and infinite belief systems. Click the button below for more on my approach to spiritual literacy, and training.